On June 29, the PROWIDE project was finished... But our journey has just begun! PROWIDE partnership strongly believes that - sooner or later – an Online Proctoring Manager will be one of a key figures in the universities of the future. Therefore, we…
Mumbo Jumbo Proctoring: Under this half-curious half-ironic motto, PROWIDE team Germany composed of project members from the FHM (Tim Brueggemann, Sonja Intveen) and Proctorio (Markus Schwab) organized the multiplier event on June 28, 2023. The…
The Multiplier event in Latvia with the title “Smart Future of Education: Online Assessment and Proctoring” was implemented by the team of Liepaja University on June 27, 2023 as a hybrid conference. The event was supported, on the one hand, by…
The Multiplier Event in Italy took place on June 20 at the main campus of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO Sala delle Bandiere. 10 professors and researchers from Uninettuno, including researchers and professors, joined the event as…
The team of Anadolu University opened the series of PROWIDE Multiplier Events and implemented their hybrid dissemination conference entitled “The Future of Online Assessment and Proctoring" on May 5, 2023. A total of 64 external guests coming from…
On May 4, the transnational PROWIDE team has gathered for the final project meeting at Anadolu University in Türkiye. The final meeting was a great opportunity to review the entire project, to exchange about lessons learned, to talk about the…
LEARN - SHARE - RELAX: under this motto, PROWIDE team Germany Tim Brüggemann (FHM) and Thomas Fetsch (Proctorio) attended the ProctorioX conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, from March 26 to 28, dedicated to the future of technology-supported education…
Next milestone achieved: on March 5, the piloting of the course Online Proctoring Manager was officially finished. 17 pilot course attendees (out of 90 registered!) from Germany, Austria, Italy, and Turkey successfully completed all the modules…
PROWIDE develops cross-border relations with Kyrgyzstan and takes part in the international conference “Development of young labor migrants: digital skills and financial literacy" on invitation of the Kyrgyz International Agency of quality assurance.…
On October 26, 2022 Markus Schwab (Proctorio) and Tim Brüggemann (FHM) were part of EdTechNextSummit 2022, the Europe's largest education technology fair. This year the event took place in the home city of the FHM, Bielefeld. About 1,500 participants…
October 17, 2022 was the historical date for the PROWIDE project: we launched the pilot edition of the training Online Proctoring Manager! The opening session was organized in hybrid format and broadcasted from the Liepaja University in Latvia to…
PROWIDE project was presented on a panel at the 5th International Open & Distance Learning Conference (IODL 2022), which was held by Anadolu University on September 28–30, 2022, in Eskisehir, Turkey. The title of the panel was "Online Proctoring…
Committed to giving a boost to online assessment at higher education institutions? Then get registered to the pilot edition of the PROWIDE training program and earn a certificate ONLINE PROCTORING MANAGER!
PROWIDE team is happy to launch the call…
From June 28 to July 1, 2022, 13 trainers from PROWIDE partner institutions participated in the joint staff training event hosted by Fachhochschule des Mittelstands in Bielefeld (Germany). The training aimed at enabling trainees to deliver and…
After 7 months of virtual collaboration, PROWIDE partners finally met each other on April 5 in Rome on invitation of partner UNINETTUNO. During the 1-day in-person meeting, partners discussed in detail the curriculum of the future training program…
PROWIDE team is proud to release the first deliverable of the project, which is qualification profile Online Proctoring Manager! Under the leadership of project partner Uninettuno, the findings from the focus groups and expert interviews conducted…
During October – December 2021, PROWIDE partnership conducted focus groups and/or individual interviews with specialists and stakeholders engaged with online assessment and proctoring. 32 persons (among them, teaching and IT staff, employees from…
Are you teacher, IT or support staff engaged with online exams at your university? Do you have a vision of how reliable and secure online assessment should take place, and would like to share your ideas with us? Then we invite you to be part of focus…
July 29/30: While others were already enjoying their summer break, enthusiasts from the transnational PROWIDE project team met for the virtual kickoff! Partners from Germany, Italy, Latvia and Turkey talked about effective strategies to develop,…